Monday 22 December 2014



This entry, will in all, now attempt, to present in all again, many a belief, and that has in all have to do, and with speak of Evolution, and in speak too of African societies and cultures that is. That it in all, does speak, and of truly attempting to explain, the very reason we are alive, and in speak now and of having every moment lived, and as believed said truly worthwhile in its ways, and away from speak in all, and of Obligation, and speak too of Ancestors that is. That African Identity today in all again, does find itself in a Crisis it is believed here, and in speak too of Obligation, and such that, it is in all even believed said, African life today that is, is said rather Meaningless in its ways/manners, and in speak too of a disconnect from the past, and as said in all even speaking of Attitude/Obligation in itself that is.

In having said all this, is to now in all even, take on the World as it is today, heavily driven in all, and in Attitude too, and by what some do call the 'Media Machine', and as with it all even best equated and with African life, and in speak now of 'false hopes' or 'dashed hopes' too that is. In all again, and in speak too of Attitude in all, many a question and as with regards to simply why life, is believed worth living, and other than truly redefine Obligation, and in speak too of Fertility and Creationist Myths that is [Link1, Link2].

In having said the above, now a call in all, and in truly pondering, the very manner or way, we do think of life, and in speak of Continuity too, and as in telling one that, life and as lived in Africa today, does truly differ, and from that seen elsewhere in all, in that, African life, or life in Africa, is said to speak truly of and of only one term that is: the Integral. That the Integral in all, does in all even refer and to Humans in all again, and as said Biological truly, in that, some might be said to suffer, and from Nausea in all, and on drinking certain forms of Milk, or speak even and of Exhaust, and of what they do call Diet too that is.

In having said all this, speak of the Integral that is, is to now in all even, speak and of the very manner or way, intrinsic too, and by which life in Africa, does differ, and from that seen in the rest of the World, and in speak too of Evolutionary Instincts that is [and as with it all even said to refer, and to the Intrinsic that is, and not the Integral either]. That life outside Africa, has in all even been truly defined, and by speak of the Intrinsic, and in speak too of Gender in itself, and as said Constructed in all, and in speak of Rite/Ritual too, in that, Evolution now, does in all even speak, and of changing notions in all, and as having to do with Gender, but with speak of Family too, said in all even paramount, and in speak now, and of Satisfaction in itself perhaps, and as having to do with life, believed said truly associated only, and with speak of Rite/Ritual, and as with it all even perceived, and from speak of Evolution in itself that is [and with Family too now, said truly associated, and with speak of Purpose, and Worker Identity in all that is].

In all again, the above manner of Evolution, and in speak too of Satisfaction gained or arrived at, and such that, it does not necessitate, the very Idea of Breeding in all, and in speak too of Gender, and as truly associated and with many an Avatar that is, for it does in all even now speak perhaps, and of life on Earth and for some too, and as said final in its ways, and in speak here and of Gender, Avatars and Family/Purpose that is, and as best in all even here too perhaps, referring in all, and to Lord Arjuna, Lord Krishna and the Bhavagad Gita in itself too that is [that in all, the very Rite/Ritual one does in all even engage in, and in a Historical/Evolutionary sense/fashion too in all, does have to it, a Resultant end, and which in speak of the Bhavagad Gita, now does in all speak of War in itself that is, and as said to speak of life, and in speak of Avatars too, and as now said final in its ways that is].

Africa though, does in all even truly differ, and from the rest of the World, and in speak of Evolution and in Gene too that is. That Africa in all, does not truly have Evolution, and as often associated and with speak of Rite/Ritual, but that in all ways even, and in speak of Natural Selection in itself, and as truly often associated, and with speak of Destiny that is [that in all again, the very world of Rite/Ritual in all, is best associated, and with speak of Krsna for instance (Link), and not Destiny/Atunwa either that is].

In understanding all this better, is to first say that, Natural Selection, is believed said truly many a thing that is. For it in all again, does speak of a Responsibility, and that does in all not refer in all again, and to speak of Family/Purpose in itself that is, but in all ways truly, and in speak of Adaptation in itself that is. That life in Africa, and as said lived out truly, and in speak of Theology too, now does in all even have many an Adaptation issue/matter to it, and as always said springing up, and in speak of what some do term Elenini for instance [that Elenini, is simply said African Theology in itself that is].

In having said all this, onwards now, and to what is believed, is said to speak of Natural Selection, and of Adaptation at the spur of the moment too, and in speak here now, and of African Myth, and in the very form of the Hero too that is [that the Hero, is simply believed even said truly African in his ways/manners, and as compared and to speak of the rest of the World, and which in all has always been truly defined, and by speak of the  Mother Archetype, or speak even and of the Warrior Archetype too that is]. In having said this, is to in all even now present, Natural Selection, and in a manner/way most would understand, and as with it all even referring and to speak of African Myth in itself, and if not speak, and of what does constitute for Breeding, and as said to refer and to speak of African Blood and African Genes too that is.

That Natural Selection in all, was very much in all again, simply presented, and in the post on Akhenaten (Link), and as with it all even said to speak of Viruses, the Unconscious, the Primordial, the Pharaonic, Totems etc. That the very world of Natural Selection though, is known to Africans, and in speak too of Totems, in that, it does in all even speak of simply where in all again, African History, is said to truly meet, that said Egyptian that is [and not speak either, and of the Pharaonic truly in all]. For Natural Selection in all, does present speak of Totems, and in the very least too, and in speak too perhaps, and of Sun Symbolism for instance. In many a way though, the very world of Totems, is obviously known to the rest of the World, but not in a manner/way and that does speak in all even, and of it said Greek, Egyptian or Italian too, but in speak in all again, and of Family/Purpose in all, for Greek, Italian or Egyptian Totemism in all, is often believed to speak of Cosmology in itself that is [and with that said Indian too, more or less referring and to Astrology in itself truly that is]. In all, speak here too, and of Alexander the Great, and as said having conquered Asia in all, and in speak of Totem too, and that does in all even speak of the Tiger in all truly.

In all, Totemism, is something believed said well known to Man, and in speak too of Initiation for instance, for it in all again is truly associated, and with the rise of many a 'School of Thought' in all, but in speak of it now and as said African, speak too, and of the Griot in himself, and as referring in all even perhaps, and to speak of Kings, Queens, Courtiers and Harps too that is [Link].

What they do term the Pharaonic though, does in all even truly differ, and from speak of Totemism, in that, the very world of the Pharaonic, and in speak too of Natural Selection, does in all even refer, and to speak of Meaning in itself that is. For Meaning, is said many a thing, and as often associated and with speak of the very manner/way in all, we do perceive Time in itself, and with what they do term Self-Meaning, said to refer and to the very manner we do define Satisfaction in our lives (and as referring in all even, and to the very Communications we might in all wish to possess), but that in all again, self-Meaning here in all, is often said and to refer and to speak of Destiny, Pharaonic, and as simply said Eternal in its ways/manners too that is [and with the very world of Serpents, truly associated, and with speak of all this that is]. In all, the Pharaonic World, and as perhaps in all simply said to have truly uncovered in all again, what Meaning truly is, and in speak of Time too, and if not speak of Communications that is [and if not speak here too, and of the Appropriate and Inappropriate, or speak even, and of the Pause in itself too that is].

What of the Primordial? In speak of Natural Selection, now defining the Human, and as said Being too, and in speak now in all even, and of the Greatest/Supreme of Beings, and that one can ascribe, subscribe or proscribe too, and as with it in all even said to speak even, and in speak of Africa too, and of Tortoise (and in his infamous encounter and with Hare), or speak even and of Lion and the Animal Kingdom too, and of Eagle too (and as said the self-proclaimed 'King of the Birds/Beats'), and if not speak now, and of Arab Identity in itself that is [that Being Arab in all, is simply said to speak of Egypt/Africa, and not truly of Iraq / the Middle East either that is].

What of the Unconscious now, and as with it all even said a World, often not truly associated and with speak of Africa/Egypt, but with speak instead and of Greece, Italy or Europe specifically too that is. For the Unconscious, and in speak now of Greece, going along in all, and with speak of the Odyssey, while of the Unconscious and Italy, does in all even refer and to the Aeneid, but it is in Africa/Egypt in all, and where the Unconscious, does in all even speak of Neuro-Melanin in itself that is. For what in all again, is the Unconscious, and when one in all does speak of Natural Selection? In speak of Egypt/Africa in all, and in speak too of the Unconscious in itself that is, speak and of what some do term the Dream (and as with it all even speaking of 'Night Dreams' too in particular), and in speak too of the very world of the Egyptian Pharaohs, and as simply said Hebrew too that is. In all again though, the Unconscious, and as said to speak of Europe, and in name too, is in all even believed and to speak of Roman Britain, and of Geoffrey of Manmouth too perhaps, and if not speak of Wolves in themselves that is [Link].

This very Blog though, does in all even believe Natural Selection and as in all ways/manners even explained above, to not be of too much of an understanding, and to most Africans in all, and unless it is in all approached, and from speak of Viruses too that is [and in speak too of Africa today, and in Sentiment, and as said Western, and in speak too of a Western Theosophy too that is (Link)]. For what in all, are Viruses? In speak of Danger in itself, a reference, and to 'the Bug', but in speak of it all and as said generic too, speak in all, and of Viral Communications that is [and as believed in all even needed, and in speak of Survival too that is]. That in truly attempting to understand all this better, is to now associate Viruses, and with speak in all even, and of life, and as often associated and with speak of the very word/term, Key that is. That this in all, is said to speak and of the Key, and that is needed to simply unlock the 'Secrets of life' (wherever/whatever they might lay/be), but with many a hint in all, given, and as with regards to Experience, and in speak of total Bliss in itself too for instance, but in all again, speak here, and of life in Africa today, speaking now, and of the very word Key (and as in speak even of Key-words, Key-terms, Key-players etc.), and as believed said in all, and in helping Africans today understand whom/who in all they are, and as with regards and to speak of Natural Selection, Evolution, Family and Work too, and as said in all even perhaps, defined, and by speak of Viral Communications in themselves for instance.

In all again, the Virus, and in African Myth too, and that does in all even speak of Motif, and as said in all even Encoded/Decoded in all, and in speak too of African Prayers / Keys that is [and if not speak of the African Mass, and as said Coptic in its ways too that is].

*** in having said all this, the Blogger here must admit, he does not actually walk the way of the Virus, and despite his talking it that is, for it in many a way is believed in all even a treacherous path in itself, and in speak here too, and of the very manner, interesting, and by which Africans in all, do define Key-players for instance, and if not Key-statements too (Link), for the very world of encoding/decoding life in all, and as said to speak of Keys, and Viruses / Viral Communications, is believed said tantamount, and in speak of a Plague too for instance, but that in all ways even, the Blogger here, believed said to have uncovered a whole new manner/way of thinking of life, and as with regards and to the speaking of African that is, and in speak too of Natural Selection, and that does in all even speak only of one Term/Word that is: Coverage.