Monday 22 December 2014



We do in all, know what 'Mediums', does truly refer to. For it is a term in all again, known to have multiple of meanings, and as said in all even, taking a Physical form that is. For Mediums in all, are not only known to speak of Possessive states, but in all ways truly, speak of one, and as said a Messenger too that is. However though, Mediums, and as said Physical in their ways, does in all even refer, and to their being used in all, and to very much speak of life, and from the very perspective of Depictions, and Representation truly that is. In all, it is with the latter definition of Mediums, that we do in all again, find ourselves very much living, and in the World and as it is today, for it does in all even speak, and of the proliferation of all sorts of Media, and that in all again, have come to very much in all even, define our very lives, and as we do live them out today that is.

In the old World though, or that said believed not Technologically proficient, we did in all, find the former definition of Mediums, more or less in existence, and as it did in all even truly speak and of life, and as simply said truly defined in all, and in speak of Forums, but speak too of 'forms of Address' that is. Forums too, and in speak now of many an Organizational format in all, and simply where in all again, and in speak of one and as said a Messenger too, many or a few, would come together, and in the attempt to create a 'Group Mind' of a kind for instance, and that would be used and in the attempt and in solving many a problem, and as harmoniously and as one very well could that is. While all this in all again, is said modus operandi and in the World today, and in speak too of problem solving at work, speak of Mediums, and the Messenger in all, and in the very form of the Address, is now believed said in all, a manner of living, and that has taken a backseat, and to speak even of Media today, Conventional too, and which does in all even attempt to re-define us, and away, and from speak of the Address too that is [and with the Address, said referring even, and to speak of a 'Conversation with God' that is].

In all, what is been said here is that, and in a World where the Address is simply said dormant now, those in Africa, and as finding themselves distraught perhaps, and in speak too of the Chaos, that Media today has created all over, and in re-defining us, and away from speak of the Address that is. For Media today in all again, does in all even hint, at speak, and of the History of England, and as said grounded in all, and in speak too of Martial Law that is. That of America though, its History, does in all even differ from that of Europe, and as American History, traditionally, is known heavily grounded in all and in speak of Forums (and as is Japanese History too), but that in all ways even, America, and as reknowed or Legendary place, does speak of its History now, and as said grounded in all and in speak of the Address that is [that no other place on Earth in all, is known to have as its own, 'forms of Address', and as said truly differing/varying in their ways in all, and in speak now and of what does constitute for Success/Status and in life too that is].

Example of American Address:

In many a way though, I must admit that, this post in all, is truly inspired and by a said event, and that did happen in my life that is. It did involve in all again, my coming across, a man, a friend too I might add, and who did in all go by the name of Hosea Litiku. Someone in all again, I did come across, while schooling and in my youth too, and the very first thing I did realize about Litiku in all, or Hosea too, was that, he was not the most attractive of people, and bar-none too that is. It was in speak though and of my meeting Hosea Litiku in many a way, and that I did now begin to question life, and as said unfair, for it was to my understanding, and if not recollection too (and in speak too of many a Late-Night TV Movie watched perhaps), that Hosea in all, and as said one of the more believed said less attractive people on Earth, was in all again, not destined, to succeed in a World, and that is believed said Media prolific that is. He simply in all, did not have the Image, required to Appeal, and to anyone that is. 

In many a way though, I have discovered that life is many a thing, and outside speak of Media too, Conventional, for I did truly now simply realize, my true feelings, and as with regards and to speak of Success, for Success in the World today in all, does in all even speak of relinquishing many a friendship, and that would not appeal, and to Media that is, and my in all again, wanting to truly know of Hosea, Litiku, and in his manners, ways, flows, temperaments etc., did in all lead me to eventually discover, that life, is simply said many a thing, and it is what one does make of it, and that does in all even truly matter that is, and as in my now realizing, I could very well know Litiku, and in spirit too, and in speak of Mediums, Forums and 'forms of Address' in all, and in a manner in all, and that did in all even speak of the Tent that is [Link1, Link2]. 

In concluding all this though, and to Hosea, Litiku, and in salutation and of my re-discovering, what life is truly all about, what more in all again, and than to say: Hongera Man, and may life bring you all you do wish for. Bless you Man, and do take care of yourself please.
