Saturday 20 December 2014



This entry, will in all, attempt to speak of something, most, do in all find of interest, and in speak even, and of it all said Entertainment, and further speak too, and of what some do term the entertaining of many an idea or thought that is: Alchemy/Alchemia.

For we now do live a World, where Alchemy/Alchemia, is simply believed a huge Science in itself, and in speak of a World today, ruled over, and by the belief that, life, does simply in all even, speak of Entertainment in itself that is. That Alchemy/Alchemia, is not too complicated a subject in all, and if only perhaps, one can simply understand, what does stand for or represent for, Conscious States in all that is.

That Alchemy/Alchemia, can be said, and to be of two main Branches in all, but that in all ways even, could be said, to be truly more. That the first of these, does in all even now, speak truly in all, and of Conscious States, and as truly associated, and with speak even and of one and as having a fore-thought, a back-thought/hindsight, and speak in all even perhaps, and of a mid-thought too that is. That in helping understand all this better, this Alchemy Tradition, and as often touted Egyptian too, it does in all even go along, and with speak of Parallel Universes, Higher Dimensions, Holographic Universes, Quantum Theory, Quantum Dynamics, Superstring Theories etc., and which in all even now, do truly associate Matter, and with speak too of Solids, Liquids and Gases in all, and further speak here in all even, and of Physical, Chemical and Biological 'processes' in all truly, and in speak now of Conscious States, and as said in all even, and to speak of the Sub-Atomic in all, and of Reality, and as said in all again, speaking of, and of an 'Observer', and in speak now and of fore-thoughts, back-thoughts/hindsight and even speak in all of, 'mid-thoughts' too that is [and as truly representing here, simply, and for Conscious States in themselves, and in speak of Awareness too for instance], and as said in all even, capable of truly influencing, our environments that is.

The above Tradition of Alchemy/Alchemia in all though, has in all even, proven, to be of difficulty, and in making it out, for it is in all again, associated, and with speak of Codes, Laboratory Spaces (and as truly defined in all, and by speak of Tools, Equipment, Instruments etc. only), Testing, and if not speak even of Language, Grammar and Linguistics too, and in now associating Reality, and with Nuances in themselves, and in speak of Conscious States too, and that do in all even speak of a fore-thought for instance.

Africa though, and outside Egypt too, does in all, have its own Alchemy Tradition [for Alchemy in all, does truly speak of African/Egyptian Spiritual Systems that is]. That this Tradition of Alchemy, does in all even only speak of one thing: Parallel Streams of Consciousness that is. That in all again, it is believed, that Alchemy and in Africa, does in all even now speak of Conscious States, and as said referring in all, and in difficulty here too, and to speak even of Scripts, Ideograms, Signs and even Allegory too that is. That Scripts in all, and not Codes either, can be said associated, and with speak in all even, and of the very manner or way, the Human Body in all, does in all work, and in speak too, and of one and as simply putting one leg and before the other, and in modeling Walking too perhaps  (and in speak too now, and of actually Walking that is), and that does in all even speak of a Higher/Supreme Intelligence, and as simply said to be in control of us, and at all Times too, and in speak now, and of holding of an 'Image/Picture' in ones mind, and as in all even premeditation Action in one, in speak too of Sleep in itself, or in speak in all again now, and of Continuity, and in thought too that is. In all, this Alchemy Tradition, and as now associating Conscious States, and with Scripts, Ideograms, Signs and speak even of Allegory too, does in all even refer, and to speak of Parallel Streams of Consciousness that is, and in speak now, and of truly associating Matter, and as said made Manifest in all, and with only two things: Light and Sound that is [that Matter, is made manifest in all, and in simply knowing that, Matter, is only said one thing, and nothing else: Light and Sound, and in themselves too that is][and in speak too now, and of the only belief, one could hold to be true, and of the World/Universe/Planet in itself that is]. In all, an Alchemy Tradition, and that does now in all even, associate Reality, and in speak too of Entertainment in itself, and with speak of Formats/Layouts, Geometrical Designs, Markers/Identifiers/Pointers, but further speak too now, and of what some do term Symbolic Language too that is [and in speak now and of Language too, African, and as merely/simply said 'African Arabic' that is].