Thursday 18 December 2014

The Sahel

The Sahel.

The term 'The Sahel', is often in many a way, associated, and with speak of Western African peoples, and who are in all ways even often associated, and with the Western African Marabout Tradition that is. There is belief though, that the Sahel in all, does hold deeper Traditions to it, and than that said Marabout too, and which does in all even go along, and with speak of the Dogon and in Myth too that is.

The belief in all this though, does in all even speak of the very potential, and of the Sahel in all, and in helping transform Africa, and in speak too here, and firstly off, and of what does constitute, and for Authority in all, and in our lives too, and as said even Integral in its ways that is [and in speak here too perhaps, and forthrightly too, and of the difficulty many an African, and as said lacking in a proper Identity, does in all suffer, and as with regards to the Integrating, and into Oneness for instance, and of their said life experiences that is].  That in all, Authority, and as said or defined as above, Integral, is today in all, often said or defined as Leading, Foremost, Legitimate, Final, Due, Prime, Legal etc. Authority, and as in stating that, Authority, is a complicated thing in that, certain forms of Authority, and as believed in all even truly beneficial, can hamper growth in a said place, in that, speak of African Universities and as associated for instance, and with the Foremost Authority, can in all kill Invention, Creativity, or even Talent too, and as said even to speak of the Local, or the Market too, and in speak even of being an Inventive Genius that is. In all, the very world of the Sahel, and if not the Dogon too, now said in all to go along in all, and with the discovering in all again, or uncovering too, and of Authority, and that does in all even speak, and of the Building of the Pyramids in Egypt that is.

The second belief held by some so to speak, and about the Sahel and the Dogon too, does in all even lie, and with speak of African Artworks (and not African Art either). That this in all, does in all even refer, and to what does constitute for Continuity in our lives, for the building of Civilization, and in speak of Continuity too, is believed many a thing. Take the Egyptians for instance, and who in all, and in speak too of the origins of Civilization, and in speak again and of Continuity too, did in all give rise and to the building of Civilization, and as said in all even, and to speak of it all, and as said Great, Grand or even speak of Super-Civilization status, and from which in all it is believed, did speak of Egypt and in Myth too that is. In speaking of the Greeks, Civilization now, and in speak too of Continuity, now very much associated and with terms and such as Composite, Overall, Wholeness, Uniformity, Totality, Homogenous etc., and in speak too perhaps, and of Image that is. In speaking of Civilization and as said now to speak too of Italy too, speak now and of Continuity, and as very much associated, and with terms and such as Allegiance, Duty, Obligation, Homage, Devotion, Adherence etc., and as with it all even and from a romantic stance too, speaking in all, and of the name Cupid for instance [Link]. In having said this, is to now point out in all, the very belief here that, and as perhaps said to speak of the Dogon too, and of the said rise of Civilization, African, and as said in all, and to speak even of African Artworks. For the very world of Artworks, does not speak of Art in itself, but as with it even said known in Italy, does in all even speak of what for instance, one does call Draftsmanship that is [and as said even, and to constitute for Penmanship too in all][Link1 --- Link2 --- Link3].