Monday 15 December 2014



This entry, will attempt to give this Blog, what the average Layman in all, does in all even term Purpose that is. That  it in all, is believed even said, and to speak of the Secret/Hidden History of the World, and as truly associated in all, and with speak of the Story (History) in itself, and in further speak even, and of Motif in itself too that is. 

That according to many a famed Historian, they in all will point out that, Motif in all, is simply said Greek (Macedonian), and if not Italian (Renaissance/Florentine) too in all, but that in all ways even, it is believed here by the Blogger, that Motif, is actually truly African/Egyptian that is.

What in all though, is Motif? In the very least of senses, it in all even is said to speak, and of the very manner or way we do envision Success, and as said in all even longstanding for instance. In having said this, is to now perhaps alert one, and in speak even of Piracy / Copyright Law that is, that there in all does exist a History of the World, Secret/Hidden too, and which in all, does speak even, and of the very attempt, to not only erase History in itself, but in all ways even, steal Success, and in Image too, and from another, and in speak even now, and of the very world of Hidden/Secret Knowledge Bodies too that is.

That the History of the Moors in Europe (Link), is actually truly real, Philip II of Macedonia, was in all even African, and that France, and in Symbol too, and in speak even of the French Flag in itself (Link), was in all even heralded and by those said African & Moor, and not Moor & African either that is.

That in all, what we are trying to arrive at here, is that, the name Akhenaten, is often spelled out and in speak even of Infamy in itself, and for no known good reason either truly. That most in all it is been said here that is, do in all again, truly don't know, just whom/who in all, Akhenaten, was truly said to be that is.

In helping one understand all this, Akhenaten, and in Name too, and a way from speak even of Palo (Egun, Egungun, Egbe) that is, is to now in all even tell one that, the Dastan (Link), and in Motif too, is in all even said African/Egyptian that is, but that in all ways even, speak of the Name Akhenaten, and in speak of the name Africa too, does in all even now, speak of the Sirius Mystery for instance, and as perhaps said in all, and in Motif too, and to refer and to the most harmonious, and of relations/relationships that is.

In having one better understand all this, and in speak even of Africa, and as said of more interest than Egypt, and by many a Museum Curator too perhaps, is to in all even speak of what does in all constitute, and for Civilization in Africa that is. That Egyptian Civilization in all, is believed in all even said and to arise, and in speak of Palo, but that in all ways even, Egypt, and as said arising now in all, and successfully too, and as compared to many another Civilization, does in all even speak of Motif, and in the very form of 'Pottery Shreds' too that is [Link]. There are others though, and who do in all even believe, Africans, to be highly talented, and when it does in all even come, and to speak of Commerce that is. That this in all, does in all even speak of Motif in itself, and the very belief that, it was the Egyptians/'Africans', and that were in all even said, to be the very first of Sailors, and in speak here in all, and of Commerce, Business, Trade too, but in speak in all even perhaps, and of Egyptian Secret Societies in themselves that is. That the very world African Commerce (Link), or that said Egyptian too, is believed in all even truly capable, and of surpassing that seen everywhere, and as including speak of America too that is. For America in all, is in all even, and in Motif too, believed truly born, and of Egyptian Secret Society, for what in all again, is truly Motif one could ask, for it in all, is simply said life, and as very much even associated, and with speak of Fear, Dying, Relief, Survival, and if not Shame and in itself truly that is. 

There are other ways though, and of building civilization in Africa now, and away in all even, and from that said to speak of Oriki, Griots and African Architecture too that is [Link1, Link2]. For it in all perhaps, would speak even, and of the very term/phrase 'African Voices', and as compared to speak of 'Black Voices' too, and as often seen/found in South Africa, the Middle East for instance, and if not speak of the Modern History of the United States of America in itself too that is [Link]. That such 'African Voices', do in all even speak of the Church in Africa (Link1, Link2), and as with they in all even said truly unique, and in speak of Intelligence and if not Intellect truly either, and further speak even here and in reference, and of African Motif too (Link), and of Africa/Moors, the Victorians, and Dickensian London in all that is [Link]. 

The African story and of Civilization in all though, is not believed in all again, to be truly known, and in speak even, and of it all, and as perceived from speak of Myth, and as said in all even, and to refer and to speak of Natural Selection in itself that is [Link][and further speak too here and of terms and such as Virus, the Unconscious, the Primordial, the Pharaonic etc.]. It is however and with this Blog in all, and that one in all again does find many a hint in all, and in speak of Motif too, and as targeted towards speak of Natural Selection, and as in perhaps telling one that, the original reason for the African Mass in all perhaps, could very well be said and to lie and in speak of Motif too, and as referring and to speak of Viruses in themselves that is [Link]. That this in all, could very well be understood, and if it is understood that, the Name Akhenaten, could very well have rivaled that said Solomon, and in its entirety too that is.

In all perhaps, what is been said here in all again, and in speak of or in referencing Viruses too, is that, Africa in all, is believed said in all even, and to possess/harbour Knowledge in all, and in Motif too, and that are believed relevant in all, and to the World today, and in speak even and of the creating/formenting in all (Link1, Link2), and of the most harmonious and if not most beautiful too, and of relations/relationships that is. That Civilization in all, and as said to exist or stand today in all again, is believed in all even, and in speak too of Intelligence, and of the defining truly of the most harmonious in all, and of relations/relationships, and as said basically here too, and to speak of the Business Unit for instance. That this in all, is believed to have been the very world, Egyptian too, and that the Name Akhenaten in all, is simply said associated with that is.