Thursday 18 December 2014



The very header and to this entry, might not seem too fitting, and in speak of this Blog and in Theme that is, and other than speak of Allegory in all. That Sacrifice and as seen amongst the Dogon, is in all even said enmeshed perhaps, and in speak of Allegory too, and Allegory too, and that does in all even speak and of whom the Dogon are, and with Oral Tradition too, and in speak of their being said in all, rather Resilient people that is.

The very question/fact of being Resilient in all, has come to in all even haunt Africa today, and in speak too even of Africa in itself, and as simply classified a high-risk Area in all, and as with regards to Viral Infections in themselves that is. That in all, Resilience, does in all even speak and of whom/who in all Africans are, and in speak of Happiness/Satisfaction, and if not speak of Sacrifice in itself too that is.

That Resilience, and in speak of Sacrifice too, has in all ways even, come to be said Paramount, and in the defining of African Identity today (but in speak of History too), and in speak too of diminishing aspirations that is [and in speak  here perhaps, and of the very manner the Dogon, do in all even define their environments, environs, and if not Ritual Spaces too that is].

In having said all this, speak of Sacrifice, and as said to refer to Resilience, speak now in all, and of the difficulty, and that those said of African Blood, and in speak too of African Totemism, African Animism, or even African Ancestral Traditions in all, the difficulty many in Africa and of said African Blood too, do in all even find and in attempting to define Aspiration in their lives, and in speak of Sacrifice, and as said to speak of Resilience too that is [and the very belief in all that, and that one has to suffer, and in a manner, and that does in all even call for extreme Adaptation in itself that is][and in speak too and of what some do term the Sabbath, and in Coptic Christianity too in all].

Having said this, is to in all even now, tout the above, and as very much even a Political Situation in Africa, and in speak too here, and of Africa today, and in further speak here in all even, and of African environments, African environs, and even African Ritual Spaces too, and as traditionally helping Africans define themselves, and in speak of Sacrifice and Resilience too in all, and as said now done away with, and in favour of environments, environs, and Ritualized Spaces too, and that do in all even tamper, and with African Concepts of Heredity, Ancestry/Extraction and Descent, and in speak now even, and of Africans now, and as simply said suffering and from a Psychology in all, and that does speak even of Disassociation, and if not Repression, Suppression and Depression too that is.

In all, in speaking of Africa as such, and as with it all even said a Topic not too easy to explain, and in a Family Setting too perhaps, it does in all even speak of many an African today, and as said living in an Africa, today, and which in all is said, unsatisfying perhaps, and in speak of environments, environs, and if not Ritualized Spaces too, and as having one in all even, simply question whom/who in all they are, and in speak of Sacrifice, and as said simply defined even, and in speak of Resilience and Ancestry too that is.

It is here in all then, that one in all again, now then does find speak of French History, and as now said meeting that African in all. For French History in many a way, and in speak of Blood too, Sacrifice and Resilience, does speak of it as said African, and in speak here of the Dogon too perhaps, and as French History, and in speak of environments, environs and Ritual Spaces, does in all even it is known said, come to speak of African Blood, and as versus that said European/French, or Moor too that is.

For French History in all, and in speak of Sacrifice, is known to speak of Resilience too, and in speak even, and of defining France simply, and not only in speak of environments, environs and Ritual Spaces too, but in all ways even, and in speak of Symbol that is [African, Moor, European/French], A Drama in all, and that does unfold, and in speak now and of it simply said to speak Blood in itself too, and as said referring and to African Blood, European/French Blood and that said Moor too, and in speak even of the Future of France, and in Symbol too that is.

For the name Chretien de Troyes for instance, is more or less truly synonymous, and with African Blood (and in speak too of the French Knight, and in speech that is), while that which does say 'Victor Hugo', does speak of the Moor that is.

In all, what is probably best been said here is that, for many an African, and who does strongly Identify by Blood, and in speak now in all even, and of the defining of Sacrifice and Resilience in their lives, and which now in all even does speak of African Myth too, and as said to refer and to speak of Akhenaten too for instance, or speak of those, who do in all even seek out Experiences, and that do in all even simply validate their very being/existence, and in speak too of Resilience and Sacrifice too that is [that 'Sang Real' in all, does speak of Blood, and that is synonymous in the very least, and to that said purely African too in all].

In all, and in helping truly make all this rather clear, the need to define Sacrifice and Resilience in our lives, and as referring in all even, and to speak of forthcoming Generations, Africa today, now facing many a difficulty, and as with regards to all this, and as it is now even deemed a question, and that does in all even speak truly of Ancestry that is [and not Nationality either for instance]. That in all again, we do now find French History in all, and as truly coming to the aid of many an African today, and in speak even of helping one redefine Sacrifice and Resilience too, and in their very lives, and in speak too now in all, and of many an African, and in Blood, and who simply does create Identity, and in speak only of Ancestry, and not Nationality either. That in all, this does speak of French History, and as viewed from four perspectives:

1. Political Jargon.
2. French Revolutionary Philosophy
3. Political Sentiment
4. Reception

That in speak of Political Jargon, we now do find the very world of French Politics, and as housing Terminology to it perhaps, and that does amicably in all, explain all kinds of Political situations, and to ones satisfaction that is. That this in all, does speak even and of the very world of Alexandre Dumas, but that in all even, the very works of Alexandre Dumas, or Dumas truly, are actually known to be of Knights Templar origins in all that is [and in speak too of the Moor and in History too].

In speaking of French Revolutionary Philosophy, we are now simply speaking of African Blood in France, and as versus that said European/French, or even Moor too, and in speak now of the known said phrase: Liberte, Egalite et Fraternite that is.

In speaking of Political Sentiment, speak now and of the Arc de Triomphe, and as said in all even commemorating French History, and in speak of Institution too, and as it perhaps in all even, does speak too of the French Revolution in itself, Descartes ('Corgito Ergo Sum'), but further speak in all and of French History and as said not known to most, but with it all even speaking of Italy too, and in speak now, and of the French Language, and in mastering it too, and as said in itself, a Cultural Artefact, and if not Institution in itself [and in speak in all again now, and of France, and as commemorated as such, and in speak of Revolution, and as said doing a way, and with the French Language too, and in its most pure of forms, and of the French Intellect, and as now simply said to speak of the Arc de Triomphe in itself that is].

Finally, speak of the Reception, and in speaking now of Napolean, the Moorish Heritage in France (and as with it even said Cavalier too), the Bastille, and speak too now and of Haiti and the San Domingo Revolution in all, and as said in all even speaking of French History, and as distinctively in all even, African too, Moorish that is, and in a France, where Bigotry, racism, hatred, animosity etc., simply now does arise, and in speak of Heritage, and in further speak even, and of Napolean and the Moorish, and in speak now of the Politics of the Aesthetic, and as simply said referring and to speak of African Blood (Heredity, Extraction, Descent etc.) and in Europe too that is [and not Italy or Spain either].