Wednesday 8 July 2015

The Androgynous

The Androgynous.

Many a said African, it can too be said, do in all spend, their Time, and in now pondering truly, what does in all even, pass, and for a said, Fulfilling life for instance, and if not in speak too now, and of African definitions and of Satisfaction in itself that is. That in all again, many an African, does spend their Time pondering, what in all again, does pass for, and for their said Place, and in the World, Universe, Globe etc., and in speak now too of a said simple attempt, and in finding such a Place that is. That in all again, one could in all even spend their Time, pondering in all, and as it all can best be said here, and of a said Place, and in a said Heaven too for instance (one conjured up too perhaps, and by the African Griot that is), and as with it all even now said to refer, and to speak too of an African Psychology that is [and as versus speak now truly and of an African Health/Somasis/Response that is].

That in understanding all this better, is to now too say that, most Africans in all, do not truly perceive, the very manner in all, most out there, do actually view them it can be said, and in speak now too, and of their said finding a Place, and outside Africa too and so to say. That it all, can be said, to best come down, and to speak of Gender Typing that is, and if not of basic Gender Relations too that is.

In helping Africans now, and in the name too of Allegory that is, come to in all, understand their said too, Place, and in the World and so to say, is to now attempt, to speak and of the said difficulty, and of defining African Identity, and as said too and to speak of Gender in itself that is. That it is historically acknowledged, and via speak too of Egypt, and the Middle East too that is, that African Gender and in Identity too that is, does too meet that said too and to speak of Jinns/Djinns, Slaves, and if not of the colour Black too that is[and if not of it all, simply said to speak of the Androgynous that is].

In saying too that, most Africans don't in all truly understand Egyptian Civilization that is, is to now too, associate, Egyptian Gender Constructs in all, and with speak and of what they simply do term Sex that is, for it all too, now does in all even refer, and to speak of Tantric Sexuality for instance, and if not in speak of Tantra truly that is. That Africans, are unknowing of the fact that, African Gender, and in Identity too, is simply said grounded in all, and in speak truly and of Love in itself, for the Egyptians in all, have never been truly associated, and with speak of Love that is.

In saying though, that the above, is not true for all Africans, is to now too, associate South Africa for instance, and with a different kind of Love, and that does in all even speak of the Nubile/Nudity, and as compared now, and to speak and of the Virginal, and which is said characteristic, and of African definitions of Love that is. In saying too that, both Somalia and Ethiopia, do in all even differ from the rest of Africa, is to now too and firstly off say that, that what can best be termed here, Sex/Tantra, is the very manner in all, most outside Africa, do in all even define Gender Constructs that is, and in now saying too that, in speak of Somalia and Ethiopia, Gender, is in all even said Identity, and that does simply refer, and to speak of Relationships, or of Relationships truly that is, and as said too defined, and by speak of the Conjugal, and if not in speak too of Nuptials that is. In saying that, African Constructs of said even Lurid Sexuality, are in all even said Ethiopian, and Somalian too, is to now associate speak of Kenya, and as said too defining Love in itself, and in regards and to speak truly of Marriage, Matrimony, and of not of the Marital too that is. The Swahili on the otherhand, and in regards to all this, are simply said even not truly African, for their definitions of Love, do in all even speak of the term Mapenzi, and which does in all even speak and of said Black Identity for instance.

In now saying that, African-Americans, are in all even said an African people, and in regards to all this, is to now too, associate all the above, and with speak now too, and of directly even, Referencing, South Africa, and in regards and to speak and of what does pass for African Identity, and if not African Culture too that is. That South Africa in all, does attempt to in all even define, Success/Development, and as now said African too, and in regards and to speak too of Gender Identity, Gender Tying, and if not of Gender Constructs too, and in now saying too that, speak of the Developing of society in all, and as said as such, Gender Typing etc., now too and unknowingly to most people/africans, does too, speak and of what some do term Modern/Western Publishing, for unknown to many Africans, the World outside Africa, does in all even truly function, and in speak and of Scholarship, the Scholarly, the Scholastic too, and if not in speak and of what does pass for Research, best said here American too, and in now truly associating African Research, and with that said South African too that is.