Thursday 26 February 2015



Geneticism, can be said, a widely varying Field of Study in all. It in many a way, does take to it all, many a meaning, and in regards, and to speak too of Event and of Adaptation too that is. In helping make all this clear, and before we do truly put forward and in theory, what we are getting at here, is to in all even point out that, life in Africa, does differ, and from that seen/found in many another part of the World, and in a said significant and if not paramount way/manner in all, and in speak too here specifically and of Asia, and of the rest of the World too that is.

For it is in Asia, and where Man in all again, now does face the problem in all, and of simply how best in all and to live in Harmony that is, and with Nature too in all. That speak of Ecological Damage, or speak even and of the Weather/Climate in all, and as said influenced and by what some do term the Butterfly Effect, now does speak and of the very problems those in Asia do face, and in a said Evolutionary manner too that is [or speak too, and of what some do term a Cultivated Mind for instance, or in speak too and in all again, and of the terms Seasoning and Causality too that is].

It is however, and in the rest of the World, and away from speak of Africa too, and simply where in all again, Man, does not in all truly battle the Elements so to speak, and in speak of Survival that is, but speak truly now, and of what does constitute and for Human Reproduction that is. That in many a part of the World, and outside speak of Asia and Africa too, the debate, and as pertaining to the future, does have to do, and with the very manner/way in all, Man so to speak, does define Gender and Sex that is. That Gender in all, now does too, give rise and to speak of Race, Age and Class for instance, but that Sex on the otherhand, now does go along and with the very manner/way in all again, we do in all even define Money that is. In all, speak now and of many a society and as said wiping itself out, and in speak too of Sex, but speak too and of it said imprisoning itself, and in Mind or Intellect too, and in speak of Gender too that is.

It is in Africa though, and where and in all again, or wherein that is, one does find that Evolution, is best said, perceived, and from speak of Geneticism that is. That in all again, what is Geneticism truly? From speak of Event, speak now, and of the very manner/way in all, we do in all record Time that is and in speak too of Calendars for instance, and as referring in all again, and to speak of Genes in all, and as said Mutating that is [that Geneticism in all here, now does speakand of the so termed Sacred Sciences for instance, and that do associate Human Experience, and with speak of Alchemy or Transmutation too, and in speak now, and of truly knowing, what Direction in all, or in speak too of Transversal/Transversing in itself, and in making ones way, through life that is][Hopefully, all this is understood, and in speak too now, and of where Italy does meet Africa, and in speak too of Calculus, and as simply speaking and of life and as said experienced, and in speak of the Integral, and of the Differential, and that in all again, speak of Geneticism, does now refer and to the very belief or fact that, only certain said Knowledge in all, can be Integrated by some, and in speak too of Evolution, or speak too of problem-solving in all again, and in speak of Genes and Intelligence, and as associated, and with the ability in all, and to differentiate many a thing that is].

It is in speak though, and of Adaptation, and in speak of Geneticism too, and where and in all again, or wherein too that is, one now does realize that, the realization and of a Civilization, and as said African truly, and not that said truly Egyptian either, now does speak too, and of Adapting to Africa, and of Genes, and that are in all even said Dormant, or Active/Inactive too that is [that this in all now does speak too, and of the very world/word of Ebola that is].