Monday 10 August 2015



What is Conversation, said to be? It in all, can be said too many a thing, and away too, and of what does pass for Debate or Discussion too that is, for Conversation in itself, is known to take many a form to it all, and that does too speak of Play, Games, Acts, or even speak too of a Dance in itself that is. That Conversation, can too be said and to in all, be, what does lie/lay, and at the very heart of Christianity, and as said too, one of the more dominant of Religions, and on Earth today that is. That Conversation, has been at the very core, and of having Christianity, simply flourish, and as said too, a Way of life that is.

This entry, will attempt to claim, or show too that, Africa, is believed said even more or less truly Influential, and in its ways/manners too in all, and in regard, and to speak of History, and as said too, perceived in all, and from speak of Conversation, and not from speak of Political Event truly, or of Discourse either that is. That it in all, now too, does speak of the Influence in all, (Ancient) Egypt, has had on the rest of the World, and in speak too of History, and as said even perceived, from speak of Conversation, and not Discourse truly either [for the latter, does in all even speak of History, and as said recorded, and in a more or less Greek fashion, and not that said Egyptian/African either that is]. That take Europe for instance, and whose History, is now said too marked by speak of Architecture, does have this tradition, arise in all, and with speak of the Arthurian/Scottish Freemason in all, and with he too, said Egyptian in his ways that is, and in regards now, and to speak too of Egypt's Choral/Church tradition that is [and with it all too, said to speak of the Mozart Freemason tradition for instance]. All this too, said to actually speak of Conversation, and not Discourse either, for Italy too, now too does arise, and in speak of the Egyptian Mass, and as said even possessing to it, or having to it, many a Djembe in place that is. What of the very world of Egyptian Music, and as said too, to speak of Harmony in itself, and of it all said too, to refer, and to the Pyramid Builders of Egypt? It in all too, can be said a tradition in itself, and of the said even branch of Classical Music, and that would make it to France, and in speak here of many a famed French City, and if not in speak too of the term/name of Musketeer too that is. What of the Egyptian Court/Courtly system, and that did too speak of the name of Joseph, and that would too, make it into Central Asia, and in speak now and of the name of Macedonia too, Greek Macedonia that is, and as said to refer, and to speak of Russian History too, and of the Russian Court/Courtly systems, and as said even more or less truly Central Asian, and not European truly either, and in further speak too now of the Russian Academy of Science that is [but with the French Academy of Science, more or less defined, and by speak too, and of King Arthur's Court that is, and as said arising, and with said similar traditions that is]. In speak of Egyptian Media, and if not of Egyptian Literary works too, and such as the Arabian Nights, speak too now, and of the said rise of Jerusalem in itself, Israel too, Shakespeare, and if not in speak too of the Bible in itself that is. Finally, speak here and of the very term of Sarabande, said Spanish too, and that does tell us, the building of society or Civilization, should not be considered, a said even rather difficult thing, and in speak too of Intellectual pursuits, for Sarabande, does too speak and of the very world of Egyptian Manners, Etiquette, Behaviour, Liaisons, Dress/Custom, Humour etc., and that does in all even go along, and with speak of the History of Spain, Espana, and if not of Italy too, Michelangelo, but with it all too, said to in all even refer, and to the said even rise/birth, and of America in itself too that is.

Africa too, can be said to have its very own said version that is, and of such History, but one too, never truly recorded, and for what it is. For while Egyptian History, and as said to speak of Conversation, can in all even be said grounded in all, and in speak too of Sin (making Egyptian History, and in its said Influence, said more or less difficult and in explaining it all, and to others that is], that said to speak of Africa and in Conversation though, can too be said best to speak, and of what some do term the Human Condition that is. That the Human Condition in all, does too tell us, that to be Human, can be said too, the most useless of said experiences that is, for Humans in all, are simply in all even led in their ways, and in simply being Morons that is. In all, in helping one understand this History, is to now too, speak of it all even said referenced, and from that said African-American too, for it all too, does simply speak, and of said African Identity, and as said too grounded in all, and in speak truly and of what some do term Call-and-Response that is [that Call-and-Response, is said too, to explain, all said even African Realities, and in further speak too of the Mother-Child bond that is, and as with it all even said to speak and of many an African Gathering too for instance]. That Call-and-Response, is said too, defining of African Music/Song, and that in all again, does speak of Africans and in Celebration (and not Ritual/Performance truly either), but that in all again, what does pass for Call-and-Response, or speak too and of the said Child-like nature of the African, or of the said even African Response and to just about anything, is said too defining of said African Identity, and in speak too of African Music traditions, and in the Americas too that is. In all, African Identity, and as now said existing outside African, and as said too marked in all, and by speak of African definitions and of the Gathering that is. 

In saying that there is more to this, is to now speak and of the said entry of Christianity, and into Africa in itself. That Christianity and in Africa, should not be perceived and from speak of Europe, or of the Americas too, but is best now said perceived, and from speak of the Middle East, and of Asia too that is. That Christianity in Africa, now too, does ground the African Experience, and as said too made out in all, and in speak of Conversation, and if not of the Human Condition in itself too, and in further speak now and of what does pass for Lethargy in itself, and if not of Fatigue (Physical, Mental, Spiritual etc.) too, and as said too now, and to speak of Africa, and in Health, Somasis that is, and as said too defined in all truly, and by speak of Disease in itself that is.

Finally though, is to present another said view, and of what does pass for Conversation, and if not of the Human Condition, and as said too now, to best speak, and of African Religion, and as said to refer and to speak of Ifa, Santeria, Candomble, and Lucimi too that is. For these Religions, are misunderstood by most, for they can in all even be said African, and if said perceived, and from speak of Tools, and if not of Technology in itself too that is. That in all, they can all be perceived from speak of Conversation in itself, and not of Ritual/Performance, and as those in the Americas often do (for Ritual/Performance is said too Egyptian, and Celebration African), for in speak of Ifa etc., and as said perceived from speak of Tools, speak too and of what does pass for Artefact, and in these Religions, but in all again, speak too now and of Art, and as said emanating from these Religions, and as said defining the Human in all, and in speak too now, and of Psychological Projection, and if not of what they do term OBE (Out of Body Experience) that is. Hopefully, this is understood, and by associating Success in the World today, and with Psychological Projection, and in speak too of Media today, but that the very world of the OBE, is not known to most, but does speak too, and of one, and as seeing themselves in all, and as they truly are that is. In speak of Artefacts though, speak now, and of where these Religions, do in all even meet, the White World and so to say, and as often said associated with speak of Slavery too, for the White World and as said as such, can too be said defined, and in speak Artefacts, and that do speak of the History of Spain too that is. Finally and again, speak now and of these Religions, and as perceived from speak of Technology in itself, and as said truly redefining one, or asking of one, and of the very manner in all, they do define Offering, and Sacrifice, and in their lives too that is.
