Sunday 4 January 2015

The Sacred

The Sacred.

This entry, will now speak and of the very said difference, and between Africa, and Asia too that is. That Africa, and outside speak of Egypt in many a way, is not in all ways truly, often said associated today, and with speak of something, Concept here, and that did in all define it, and in the past too that is: it being the Sacred in all. That many today, do associate Asia/India and Egypt too in all, and with speak of the Sacred, for Asia in many a way, has never truly been associated, and with speak of the Sacred that is, but with speak in all truly, and of Rite/Ritual that is [but in speak here too and of the problematic view held by some, and of what does constitute for Freemason Rite that is][Link].

In helping one understand all this, it does in all even speak of Africa, and as said divided and if not cut up, and into many a Section in all, and that does in all associate it, and with differing speak of the Sacred that is. That this in all, does now truly speak, and of the unleashing in all again, and of the full Potential of Africa, and in speak now, and of the often said endless differences in all, and that do in all constitute for African Syncretic Identity, and as often said embodied, and in many and if not all African Languages & Tongues that is.

In now initiating the discussion, and as with regards to all this, the said now dissecting and if not cutting up of Africa, and into the following sections in all : Southern Africa, Central Africa - Cameroon / Tanzania / Uganda / Southern Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan / Djibouti / Eritrea, Egypt, and speak too now and of Saharan Africa that is. In many a way too, Africa and as said divided as such, now does speak too, and of Africa and as said meeting the Americas, and in speak too of Jamaica that is.

In having divided Africa as such, speak now, and of all the above said regions in all truly, and as said housing differing manners/ways in all, and of defining the Sacred that is. That in speak of Southern Africa, the Sacred in all, and as now associated and with speak too and of the Themes of life, and as often said believed in all even, and to speak of Love, and if not Courage too that is. That this in all, does speak of those in Southern Africa, and as believed said possessing the most harmonious and of relationships/relations in all, and in speak of Themes too, and that do in all even speak of Romance and Southern Africa, and as portrayed in all, and in the following videos that is - Link1, Link2, Link3 -- Link4 (British South Africa).

In speak of Central Africa - Cameroon / Tanzania / Uganda /  Southern Nigeria, speak now and of the Sacred, and as often associated and with speak of Masks in themselves that is [Link]. That it is in speak and of this Africa in all, and as believed in all even centered and in speak of Tanzania too, but further speak here even and of the Ba-Luba, Pende, Kota, Bamana, Kuba, Igbo, Yoruba (Link), and as said a world in all even, said truly associated and with speak of the African Gods, and as with they embodied in speak of African Masks too, and in speak too now, and of Africans in many a way, and of this group too that is, often believed, said a unique race to themselves that is [Link].

In speak of Ethiopia, speak of it and as said home to Symbolism in itself, Sacred, and in speak too now and of the Cross in itself too, and as finding a true home in Ethiopia/Abyssinia that is. In speak of Somalia, speak of it all, and in speak of Africa too, and as said defining Africa, and in speak of Totemism/Totems that is, but in speak of Kenya here in all again, speak of it now, and as said home truly and in Africa, and to what they do term the Hero Archetype that is [Link1, Link2].

In speak of Saharan Africa, speak too now truly, and of not only African Art / Artifacts, but in all ways truly even, and of Mediums (and as said Materials), but of Mediums too, and as said Religion too that is [Link1, Link2]. For it is here in all, and in speak of African and as said Saharan, and simply where in all again, African Art, is said to take whole new dimensions to it, and in speak of Materials used, but in speak too now and of Africans, and as said not associated and with Marble in many a way, and as a Material used in creating Art, but in speak too now and of the very term Nouveau too, speak too now, and of Africans, and as said Greek or European too in all, and as very much associated in all again, and with speak of Materials, many would call Non-African that is [Link].

In speak now though, and of Sudan / Djibouti / Eritrea, speak now and of the very world of associating Africans and in Worth or Value too in all, and in speak too of Valuables, Commodities, Crafts, Minerals, Metals, Dress etc., and in speak now in all again, and of the very words/terms Nubia and Punt too that is [that the legendary Land of Punt, is believed said to speak here in all, and of Eritrea / Djibouti, and not Somalia truly either][Link , Link2].

It is however and in Egypt, and where all the above is simply said united as one, and not in speak now, and of a Civilization, and that said African, but in all ways truly, and of a Civilization, and as simply said Egyptian too in all [Link]. In all though, all the above, and as not said to speak of the Mutually Exclusive that is, and in speak too now, and of what does constitute for Africa and as said Culturally Undeveloped and as compared to speak of Egypt too, but in speak too now, and of Egypt and as simply said defined, and in speak of its Priesthoods too that is.